Shoppers Stop shares are turning heads, surging 10.8% on Wednesday to hit ₹688 on the BSE. A stellar 41% jump in quarterly profit, marking a big comeback after two straight loss-making quarters. Turns out, the festive season was a goldmine, with shoppers splurging on high-end watches, perfumes, and handbags like there was no tomorrow. For the quarter ending December 31, the department store chain clocked a net profit of ₹522.3 million, up from ₹368.5 million a year ago. Revenue from operations climbed 11% to ₹13.79 billion, with premium products stealing the show—now making up a solid 64% of total revenue, up 9% year-on-year. The company also went on an expansion spree, adding 16 new stores, including 9 INTUNE outlets and 6 SS Beauty stores, pouring ₹53 crore into this growth. With wedding season just around the corner and premiumization continuing to be a hot trend, Shoppers Stop is eyeing even more gains in the coming quarters. Market sentiment is riding high, with analysts setting an average target price of ₹767. Half of them are giving the stock a thumbs-up, expecting the premium product wave to keep driving sales.