Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) shares were buzzing on Tuesday, rallying up to 7.5% in intraday trade after the company bagged hefty orders worth ₹540 crore from Central Railway and East Coast Railway. Opening at ₹414.50 on the BSE—just above Monday’s close of ₹409.10—the stock climbed to a high of ₹439.90 during the session. The excitement stems from RVNL’s announcement as the lowest bidder (L1) for two significant projects. The first one – Koraput-Singapur Road Doubling Project. This East Coast Railway project involves major bridge construction and related works between Tikiri and Bhalumaska. The ₹404.4 crore project is set for completion in 30 months. The second – Bhusaval-Khandwa Traction System For Central Railway. RVNL will handle the design and commissioning of a 132/55 KV traction substation and related infrastructure. This ₹137 crore project will be executed in 24 months.