Ola Electric has landed in regulatory trouble after India’s market watchdog, SEBI, issued a warning regarding its failure to provide timely and equal information to investors. The issue arose when Ola’s founder, Bhavish Aggarwal, announced the opening of new stores on social media platform X before officially disclosing the information to stock exchanges. This delay of nearly four hours violated disclosure norms that mandate listed companies to inform investors first and within 12 hours of significant events. In a strongly worded letter, SEBI emphasized that such violations are viewed “very seriously,” marking another regulatory setback for Ola Electric. The company, which went public in August 2024, had previously drawn scrutiny over service quality issues following a government investigation. Although it recently celebrated the opening of 3,200 new stores and service centers to address mounting service complaints, the regulatory reprimand underscores broader challenges. After an impressive IPO debut where the stock doubled in value within a week, the company has struggled to sustain its early momentum, facing stiff competition from established.