Bharti Airtel continues its streak of cleaning up financial baggage, announcing on Thursday a prepayment of ₹3,626 crore to the Department of Telecom. This move wipes out all its spectrum liabilities from the 2016 auction, effectively closing the chapter on dues with interest rates above 8.65%. The telecom giant reported a stellar Q2 FY25 performance with profits surging 168% year-over-year to ₹3,593.20 crore. Revenues reached ₹41,473.30 crore, reflecting a 12% increase, fueled by robust growth in India and consistent progress in Africa. Operating profits (EBITDA) clocked in at ₹21,846.3 crore, underscoring robust operational efficiency.This isn’t their first financial house cleaning effort. Earlier in September, they shelled out ₹8,465 crore for the same 2016 spectrum dues, which had carried an interest rate of 9.3%. The company also paid off ₹7,904 crore in June to settle spectrum liabilities from auctions dating back to 2012-2015, where interest rates soared to 9.75% and 10%.