Adani Wilmar’s stock took a hit this morning, dropping nearly 9.5% to ₹292.65, as news broke that its promoter is offloading up to 20% of the company through an Offer For Sale (OFS). The sale is set to see Adani Commodities, one of the key promoters, unload 13.5% of the company’s shares, amounting to about 17.5 million shares. The kicker? The shares are being sold at ₹275 each, a sharp 15% discount from Thursday’s closing price. Just last month, Adani Enterprises, the powerhouse behind the Adani Group, decided it was time to exit its joint venture with Adani Wilmar. This sale is part of a plan to meet public shareholding rules and mark a shift in ownership. With Wilmar International agreeing to pick up the rest of the stake, the landscape for Adani Wilmar is clearly changing. As the sale kicks off for non-retail investors today and retail buyers can join in on January 13, the market is bracing for potential volatility. The numbers suggest that Adani Wilmar is holding its ground in a tough market, but the big question now is how much this fresh round of selling will shake investor confidence. With a complex shift in ownership and stock now trading under pressure, things could get even more interesting in the coming days.