The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) wrapped up 5,636 complaints last December via its SCORES platform, an online grievance redressal system designed to assist investors. Despite addressing a significant number of issues, 5,383 complaints remained unresolved by the end of the month, highlighting the continuous flow of grievances in the capital markets. According to SEBI’s data, 5,193 new complaints were registered in December, adding to the 5,826 pending cases as of November 30, 2024. This brought the total number of complaints to 11,019 for the month. The regulator reported that the average resolution time for Action Taken Reports (ATRs) was eight days, while complaints escalated to the first-level review were resolved in an average of five days, reflecting the improvements under the upgraded SCORES 2.0 system. SCORES 2.0, introduced in April 2024, automates the complaint-forwarding process, giving entities 21 days to submit an ATR to the investor. If the investor is dissatisfied, they can initiate a first-level review within 15 days. Further dissatisfaction allows escalation to a second-level review, following similar timelines. Additionally, SEBI offers an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) mechanism for faster conflict resolution. However, some complaints have lingered. SEBI disclosed that six cases, involving entities like DFM Foods Ltd, Smartowner Services India Pvt Ltd, and Nikhil Dayanand Baljekar, have been pending for over three months as of December-end.