Minda Corp is riding high, with shares climbing 5.5% on Wednesday as the company unveiled its plan to acquire a 49% stake in Flash Electronics for ₹1,372 crore. The stock, opening at ₹547.95 on the BSE, surged to an intraday high of ₹571.80 before settling slightly lower. This all-cash deal, set to close by January 31, 2025, marks a pivotal step in Minda’s growth strategy. The partnership promises more than just equity—it’s a calculated push to fuse Flash Electronics’ cutting-edge automotive components with Minda’s diverse portfolio of mechatronics, connected systems, and interiors. With Flash boasting eight global production units and three R&D hubs, the synergies are clear – deeper market penetration, tech innovation, and a broader product lineup for both companies. The firm posted a 25.42% rise in profit after tax for Q2 FY25, hitting ₹74 crore, fueled by stronger client ties and product diversification. Revenue also grew by 7.9% year-on-year to ₹1,290 crore, while EBITDA margins reached a record high of 11.4%. This acquisition positions Minda to solidify its foothold across the automotive spectrum, from two-wheelers to commercial trucks. As Flash Electronics brings high-performance components like motor controllers and sensors to the table, the duo aims to redefine industry standards.