Ola Electric shook off its three-day slump in style, with shares climbing over 4.5% to hit ₹73.46 during Tuesday’s session. Sure, it’s still 15% down for January, but today’s rebound offers a glimmer of hope for investors battered by recent turbulence. Regulatory scrutiny and a slip below the IPO price had spooked Dalal Street, but Ola’s ability to bounce back hints there’s more to the story than just headwinds. The big shadow here is SEBI’s recent reprimand over the company’s bold social media play. Ola jumped the gun, announcing its massive store expansion plan to the public before informing the stock exchanges. This four-fold growth plan to 4,000 stores by late 2024 is ambitious, no doubt, but it’s also drawn regulatory heat. Meanwhile, Ola is also fending off a consumer watchdog’s probe into over 10,000 complaints, even as it claims a 99% resolution rate. But it’s not all damage control. Ola’s numbers tell a different tale: 2024 was a record-breaker with 407,547 units sold—a jaw-dropping 52% jump from the previous year. Their market share in the 2W electric vehicle game has climbed to 35%, solidifying their spot at the top. Add to this a robust direct-to-consumer model and aggressive expansion into smaller towns, and Ola is making sure its EVs are within arm’s reach, whether you’re in a metro or a Tier-3 city.