Jesons Industries, the Mumbai-based chemicals and adhesives player, has taken another swing at going public, refiling its draft red herring prospectus with SEBI. The company’s IPO game plan features a ₹300 crore fresh issue and an offer for sale of 9.46 million sharesa. Employees haven’t been left out, with a reserved portion and discounted bidding under the employee reservation category. On top of that, Jesons may explore a ₹60 crore private placement, which, if successful, will trim the fresh issue size accordingly. The fresh funds have a roadmap: ₹165 crore is earmarked to tackle outstanding debt, ₹77.9 crore will fuel capital expenditure through its subsidiary Jesons Innovative Polymers, focusing on setting up new production lines for solvent-based adhesives and flexible packaging adhesives. The rest is set aside for general corporate purposes, reinforcing the company’s growth ambitions. The IPO follows the book-building process, dividing the offer across investor types: half for institutional buyers, 15% for non-institutional investors, and 35% for retail bidders. Jesons aims to debut on both the NSE and BSE. This IPO is more than a funding exercise—it’s a strategic step to amplify Jesons’ presence in the industrial chemicals space while fueling its next phase of growth.