Shares of Blue Cloud Softech Solutions reached their 5% upper circuit at ₹105.27 on Wednesday after the company announced a significant order from Discovery Oaks Public School. The ₹1.05 crore project will deploy Edugenie and Emotifics, two of the company’s flagship AI-driven products designed to revolutionize education through advanced technology. Edugenie, the centerpiece of the deal, is an AI-enabled Learning Management System (LMS) that promises tailored learning experiences while fostering better connections between instructors and students. Meanwhile, Emotifics, another innovative product from Blue Cloud, brings cutting-edge AI capabilities like gender and age detection, smile recognition, face tracking, and other advanced features to enhance learning environments. Blue Cloud Softech Solutions is no stranger to headlines, having recently announced a stock split that aims to enhance liquidity. The order from Discovery Oaks Public School is expected to strengthen Blue Cloud’s position in the rapidly evolving AI and education technology space. As the company expands its reach and aligns itself with innovative solutions, it could well be setting the stage for sustained growth, even as the market watches closely for its next moves.