Tuesday brought some relief to Indian markets after Monday’s bruising session. The Nifty 50 nudged up 0.3% to 23,686.1 points, while the BSE Sensex ticked 0.15% higher to 78,075. Energy stocks took the lead, lending some much-needed momentum to an otherwise cautious trading day. Monday’s slump—fueled by earnings jitters, human metapneumovirus (HMPV) fears, and persistent foreign outflows—was the steepest since early October 2024. But government reassurances downplaying HMPV risks seem to have calmed nerves. With quarterly earnings kicking off Thursday, analysts are betting these updates will set the tone for near-term market moves. 11 of the 13 major sectors closed in the green. The oil and gas index stole the spotlight, surging 1.5%. Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) surged 3.5%, basking in CLSA’s upgrade to “high conviction outperform.” Meanwhile, Bharat Petroleum Corporation gained 1.5%, while GAIL and Indraprastha Gas climbed 2.3% and 1%, respectively, following BPCL’s decision to list Maharashtra Natural Gas (MNGL).