Hamps Bio is making waves in the stock market once again, continuing its hot streak on Friday, January 3, with shares locked at ₹81.86, marking a 5% upper circuit limit. After a show-stopping debut on December 20, where the stock surged 90% from its issue price of ₹51 to ₹96.9, it quickly became a talk of Dalal Street. Investors who jumped in early were treated to an almost 100% gain on day one, with the stock closing at ₹101.7. However, the initial euphoria soon gave way to some profit-taking, and the stock pulled back to ₹75. Fast forward to today, and it’s back on track, riding the momentum of a solid recovery. At current levels, it’s trading 60.5% above the IPO price, proving that the initial excitement wasn’t just a flash in the pan. The company, which raised ₹6.22 crore by offering 12.22 lakh shares, has caught investors’ attention not just for its strong debut but also for its solid fundamentals. For FY24, it posted a net profit of ₹50 lakh, up from ₹36 lakh the previous year.