Bank of Maharashtra’s stock surged over 6% on Friday as the lender revealed an impressive set of numbers for Q3 FY25. Total business soared 16.9% year-on-year to ₹5.08 lakh crore, driven by robust growth in both advances and deposits. Gross advances jumped 21.19%, reaching ₹2,28,652 crore, while total deposits climbed 13.54% to ₹2,79,018 crore. The bank’s CASA deposits, a key metric of low-cost funding, rose 11.5% to ₹1,37,504 crore, reinforcing its solid deposit base. Meanwhile, the credit-deposit ratio improved to 81.95% from 76.78% last year, signaling efficient lending practices and healthy balance sheet management. On the stock front, Bank of Maharashtra shares hit an intraday high of ₹56.09, marking a 6.2% jump. Although the stock remains 23% below its 52-week high, it has gained 24% from its yearly low and added over 5% in the first few sessions of January 2025, showing signs of recovery from December’s dip. With consistent financial performance, a rising credit-deposit ratio, and strong CASA growth, Bank of Maharashtra is showcasing resilience and profitability. The latest update underscores its growth trajectory, making it a key player to watch in the public sector banking space as it builds momentum into 2025.