Easy Trip Planners’ stock took a sharp dive on Tuesday, dropping 9.8% to hit a low of Rs 15.38. Promoter and co-founder, Nishant Pitti, is set to sell his remaining 14.21% stake in the company, valued at a hefty Rs 780 crore. This block deal, involving the sale of 50 crore shares at Rs 15.60 each, has triggered investor jitters, with institutional players like CRAFT Emerging Market Fund and Eminence Global Fund expected to join in. The timing is a bit off, as the company’s flagship platform, EaseMyTrip, just posted a modest gain of 2.72% on the NSE, closing at Rs 16.98. But the Pitti family’s moves have raised questions—Nishant had already offloaded 14% of his shares back in September for Rs 920 crore, leaving many wondering if more selling pressure could be on the horizon. It’s been a rough ride for Easy Trip—its stock is down 17% over the last six months and 35% over the past two years. With the promoter’s stake sale weighing on sentiment, the next few days might see more pressure. Keep an eye on the developments, as this stock could be in for some turbulence.